Riptide Lyrics – The Chainsmokers (2022)

The Chainsmokers Riptide lyrics in English, Sung by Andrew Taggart from The Chainsmokers. The lyrics of Riptide song are written by Chris Martin, Alex Pall, Ian Kirkpatrick, Andrew Taggart, Emily Warren & Whethan. The release date of Riptide song is April 22, 2022. Riptide song belongs to So Far So Good album & produced by Ian Kirkpatrick, Whethan & The Chainsmokers. Label By Columbia Records & Disruptor Records.

Information On The Chainsmokers Riptide Song Lyrics

Song NameRiptide
Lyrics ByChris Martin, Alex Pall, Ian Kirkpatrick, Andrew Taggart, Emily Warren & Whethan
Singer/sAndrew Taggart From The Chainsmokers
AlbumSo Far So Good
Release DateApril 22, 2022
Produced ByIan Kirkpatrick, Whethan & The Chainsmokers
LabelColumbia Records & Disruptor Records

The Chainsmokers Riptide Lyrics in English

Where will you go when it’s over?
Who will you know when it’s over?
I know, yeah, I saw you, you know that, right?
Just know that I saw you (I saw you, I saw, I saw)
Where will you go when it’s over?
Do you get lost on your own?
I know, yeah, I saw you, you know that, right?
Just know that I saw you (I saw you, I saw, I saw)

Late night, zip ties
Make you want to miss your flight
Flipping through your feelings like a Gemini
I’m staring at your dark side
So far, so gone
Standing with a white dress on
Only say you need me when your friends gone home
You’re tryna get your mind right

But if I only get one life, this is what I wanna do
And if I only get one life, I wanna live it with you
And if I only have one night, yeah, I’d spend it with you
So if I only get one life, I wanna live it with you
I’m gonna live it with you

Say something like
(It’s only you)
It’s only you

New wave, riptide
Hoping I can change your life
If you need a second chance, you can take mine
See you in a new light (See you in a new)
Skintight, cocaine
You don’t wanna feel this way
You know I’d do anything to make you stay
I’m pulling out my best lines

But if I only get one life, this is what I wanna do
And if I only get one life, I wanna live it with you
And if I only have one night, yeah, I’d spend it with you
So if I only get one life, I wanna live it with you
Say something like
[Drop: Andrew Taggart, Emily Warren, and both]
It’s only you
It’s only you
Say something like
It’s only you
It’s only you

Where will you go when it’s over?
Who will you know when it’s over?
I know, yeah, I saw you, you know that, right?
Just know that I saw you (I saw you, I saw, I saw)

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FAQ On Riptide Lyrics The Chainsmokers

Who is the singer of Riptide song?

Riptide song is sung by The Chainsmokers.

Who wrote the lyrics of Riptide song?

Lyrics of Riptide song is written by Chris Martin, Alex Pall, Ian Kirkpatrick, Andrew Taggart, Emily Warren & Whethan.

Riptide song belongs to which album?

Riptide song belongs to So Far So Good album.

Who is the producer of Riptide Song?

Riptide song is produced by Ian Kirkpatrick, Whethan & The Chainsmokers.

Watch The Music Video of Riptide The Chainsmokers Lyrics

riptide lyrics the chainsmokers video

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