Brambleton Lyrics – Pusha T (2022)

Brambleton lyrics in English by Pusha T. This Rap Song Lyrics is written by Pharrell Williams & Pusha T. The release date of Brambleton song is April 22, 2022. Brambleton song belongs to IT’S ALMOST DRY album & produced by Pharrell Williams. Label By Universal Music Group, G.O.O.D. Music & Def Jam Recordings.

Information On Pusha T Brambleton Song Lyrics

Song NameBrambleton
Lyrics ByPharrell Williams & Pusha T
Singer/sPusha T
Release DateApril 22, 2022
Produced ByPharrell Williams
LabelUniversal Music Group, G.O.O.D. Music & Def Jam Recordings

Pusha T Brambleton Lyrics in English

They’re gonna die
Why would I wanna?

We was out in Brambleton after Pooh got hit
Club Entourage in that new drop six
Ice that’ll snag any new hot bitch
Champagne super soaker screamin’, “Who got this?”
Beach niggas wanted work that they could move out quick
But my Norfolk niggas, they was on some shoot-out shit
You and I, we were different like the two got mixed
Buyin’ biggies, but was ridin’ on some 2Pac shit
(Why would I wanna?)
We was both hurt when we see how Q dropped Bish’
Said we knew the ledge better, we thе new plot twist
Who knew your face bеin’ all across the news outlets
Would mean forever I would never talk to you ’bout shit?

Why would I wanna hold you down
When I know you now, the past is your go-to now?
Shit, we really used to roll around
Coppin’ quarter pounds, from the border towns
And shit, Ferraris gettin’ ordered now
Can’t water down, godfathers to you daughters now
Shit, but let me bring it all around
Roles are different now, niggas need to tone it down
(Why would I wanna?)

You would pay sixteen, I would pay eighteen
When I paid twenty-two, still was a great thing
Laid up countin’ a million, we daydream
Till the plug took back his half, that’s they change
Who was with you roaming the halls at night pacing?
‘Cause the feds watching them things that we chasing
Sliding doors just like the van on A-Team
Revolvin’ doors on them whores, they playthings
It was much more than foreigns that we were racing
If the past catch your dash, no erasing
Black ‘Rari, white hood, make it a race thing
Who knew our dynasty would end up a Jay/Dame thing?

Why would I wanna hold you down
When I know you now, the past is your go-to now?
Shit, we really used to roll around
Coppin’ quarter pounds, from the border towns
And shit, Ferraris gettin’ ordered now
Can’t water down, godfathers to you daughters now
Shit, but let me bring it all around
Roles are different now, niggas need to tone it down
(Why would I wanna?)

It was sad watching dude in Vlad interviews
Really it’s ’bout me, he channeled it through you
Had a million answers, didn’t have a clue
Why Michael kissed Fredo in Godfather II
Names they concealed, I don’t make up shit
This that no-witnesses-wrapped-in-duct-tape shit
Needed all my niggas just to move your brick
That had me on Brambleton back when Pooh got hit

Why would I wanna hold you down
When I know you now, the past is your go-to now?
Shit, we really used to roll around
Coppin’ quarter pounds, from the border towns
And shit, Ferraris gettin’ ordered now
Can’t water down, godfathers to you daughters now
Shit, but let me bring it all around
Roles are different now, niggas need to tone it down
Why would I wanna hold you down?

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Faq On Brambleton Lyrics By Pusha T

Who is the singer of Brambleton song?

Brambleton song is sung by Pusha T.

Who wrote the lyrics of Brambleton song?

Lyrics of Brambleton song is written by Pharrell Williams & Pusha T.

Brambleton song belongs to which album?

Brambleton song belongs to IT’S ALMOST DRY album.

What is the release date of Brambleton Song?

Brambleton song was released on April 22, 2022.

Who is the producer of Brambleton Song?

Brambleton song is produced by Pharrell Williams.

Watch the Music Video of Brambleton Pusha T Lyrics

brambleton pusha t lyrics video

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