Manchild Lyrics – Sia (2022)

Manchild lyrics in English, Sung by Sia. The lyrics of Manchild song are written by Neneh Cherry, Booga Bear & Robert “3D” del Naja. It is a cover song of Manchild by Neneh Cherry. The release date of Manchild song is April 28, 2022, & produced by Jesse Shatkin. Label By Monkey Puzzle Music & Universal Music Group.

Information On Sia Manchild Song Lyrics

Song NameManchild
Lyrics ByNeneh Cherry, Booga Bear & Robert “3D” del Naja
Cover OfManchild by Neneh Cherry
Release DateApril 28, 2022
Produced ByJesse Shatkin
LabelMonkey Puzzle Music & Universal Music Group

Sia Manchild Lyrics in English

Is it the pain of the drinking
Or the Sunday sinking feeling
The car never seems to work
When it’s late your girlfriend’s on a date
And the hero with her in your dream
In your sleep it seemed to like you

Turn around and ask yourself
Turn around, ask yourself
Manchild, will you ever win?
Manchild, look at the state you’re in

Could you go undercover
And sell your brand new lover (Could you?)
Be someone else for a night
Maybe someone else will love you
You sell your soul for a tacky song
Like the one you hear on the radio

Turn around, ask yourself
Turn around and ask yourself
Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you’re in
Manchild, he will make you cry
Manchild, Manchild, Manchild
He’s the apple of your eye

From Monday down to Friday
You’re working on another man’s car
Or is it in the factory?
It doesn’t matter where you are

Just turn around and ask yourself is this communication
Accentuate the positive to give some illustration
See Manchild, you’re no one, you turn the microphone on
Control communication when I’m kickin’ it and so on
To the point that I need, the air that I breathe
Into an audience that’s waiting and ecstatic to receive
For the meantime another mean rhyme, I keep on sayin’ it
I know what the time is the crowd will keep on playing it
Through the speaker boxes loud’s my diagnosis
‘Cause I believe in miracles and words in heavy doses
Enough R-E-S-P-E and C-T
Respect yourself express no stress the mike is easy
Just believe that all you need is the air that you breathe

Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you’re in
Manchild, he will make you cry
Manchild, Manchild, Manchild
He’s the apple of your eye

Once bitten twice shy, why don’t you bite me again?
Just take it in the right and go tell your friend
Are you ready for the words I turn the microphone on
A figure of speech to reach you at the back and so on
The style I’m stimulating dance floors
Raise your body temperature now and
This demands for power in the amp, you know loud’s my diagnosis
‘Cause I believe in miracles and words in heavy doses

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FAQ Manchild Lyrics Sia

Who is the singer of Manchild song?

Manchild song is sung by Sia.

Who wrote the lyrics of Manchild song?

Lyrics of Manchild song is written by Neneh Cherry, Booga Bear & Robert “3D” del Naja.

Who owns the label of Manchild song?

Monkey Puzzle Music & Universal Music Group owns the label of Manchild song.

Watch Music Video Of Manchils Sia Lyrics

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