Hold My Hand Lyrics – Lady Gaga (2022)

Hold My Hand lyrics in English, Sung by Lady Gaga. The lyrics of Hold My Hand song are written by BloodPop® & Lady Gaga. The release date of the Hold My Hand song is May 3, 2022.From Hold My Hand (From “Top Gun: Maverick”) album. Hold My Hand song is produced by Lady Gaga & BloodPop®. Label By Interscope Records.

Information On Lady Gaga Hold My Hand Song Lyrics

Song NameHold My Hand
Lyrics ByBloodPop® & Lady Gaga
Singer/sLady Gaga
AlbumHold My Hand (From “Top Gun: Maverick”)
Release DateMay 3, 2022
Produced ByLady Gaga & BloodPop®
LabelInterscope Records

Lady Gaga Hold My Hand Lyrics in English

To tell me you need me

Hold my hand, everything will be okay
I heard from the heavens that clouds have been grey
Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms
I see that you’re hurtin’, why’d you take so long

To tell me you need me? I see that you’re bleedin’
You don’t need to show me again
But if you decide to, I’ll ride in this life with you
I won’t let go ’til the end

So cry tonight
But don’t you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I won’t leave ’til I understand
Promise me, just hold my hand

Raise your head, look into my wishful eyes
That fear that’s inside you will lift, give it time
I can see everything you’re blind to now
Your prayers will be answered, let God whisper how

To tell me you need me, I see that you’re bleedin’
You don’t need to show me again
But if you decide to, I’ll ride in this life with you
I won’t let go ’til the end

So cry tonight
But don’t you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I won’t leave ’til I understand
Promise you’ll just hold my hand

Hold my hand, hold my
Hold my hand, hold my hand
I’ll be right here, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my
Hold my hand, hold my hand
I’ll be right here, hold my hand
I know you’re scared and your pain is imperfect
But don’t you give up on yourself
I’ve heard a story, a girl, she once told me
That I would be happy again

Hold my hand, yeah
Hold my hand, oh yeah
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand

I heard from the heavens

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FAQ On Hold My Hand Lyrics Lady Gaga

Who is the singer of Hold My Hand song?

Hold My Hand song is sung by Lady Gaga.

Who wrote the lyrics of Hold My Hand song?

The lyrics of Hold My Hand song are written by BloodPop® & Lady Gaga.

Hold My Hand song belongs to which album?

Hold My Hand song belongs to the Hold My Hand (From “Top Gun: Maverick”) album.

Who is the producer of Hold My Hand Song?

Hold My Hand song is produced by Lady Gaga & BloodPop®.

Who owns the label of Hold My Hand song?

Interscope Records owns the label of Hold My Hand song.

Watch the Music Video Of Hold My Hand Lady Gaga Lyrics

This is the end of the page for Hold My Hand lyrics by Lady Gaga. If you found any mistakes in the lyrics of the Hold My Hand song or you have the correct lyrics, you can contact us immediately using our contact us page. Thank you for visiting Qzlyrics


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