Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics is One of the most popular devotional hymns dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman is the name of this devotional hymn, and Chalisa is the 40-verse religious hymn that includes these words (excluding the couplets at the beginning and at the end). Tulsidas, a 16th-century Indian poet and saint, is best known for his religious text Ramcharitmanas, but he is also credited with composing this devotional hymn to Lord Hanuman. In this post we have written Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi, Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in English WIth Hanuman Chalisa Meaning in English & Hindi
In This post we have covered hanuman chalisa lyrics in hindi, hanuman chalisa in english, shree hanuman chalisa meaning with pdf, hanuman chalisa paath process,hanuman chalisa in hindi lyrics, हनुमान चालीसा हिंदी में लिरिक्स, हनुमान चालीसा pdf, हनुमान चालीसा पढ़ने के नियम, हनुमान चालीसा हिंदी में अर्थ सहित, हनुमान चालीसा दोहा
Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi With Meaning, हनुमान चालीसा हिंदी में लिरिक्स

Read Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi, हनुमान चालीसा हिंदी में lyrics, श्री हनुमान चालीसा हिंदी में pdf, hanuman chalisa hindi lyrics, हनुमान चालीसा दोहा अर्थ सहित
दोहा :
श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।
बरनऊं रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि।।
बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके, सुमिरौं पवन-कुमार।
बल बुद्धि बिद्या देहु मोहिं, हरहु कलेस बिकार।।
अर्थ- श्री गुरु महाराज के चरण कमलों की धूलि से अपने मन रूपी दर्पण को पवित्र करके श्री रघुवीर के निर्मल यश का वर्णन करता हूं, जो चारों फल धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष को देने वाला है।
हे पवन कुमार! मैं आपको सुमिरन करता हूं। आप तो जानते ही हैं कि मेरा शरीर और बुद्धि निर्बल है। मुझे शारीरिक बल, सद्बुद्धि एवं ज्ञान दीजिए और मेरे दुखों व दोषों का नाश कार दीजिए।
चौपाई :
जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर।
जय कपीस तिहुं लोक उजागर।।
अर्थ- अर्थ- श्री हनुमान जी! आपकी जय हो। आपका ज्ञान और गुण अथाह है। हे कपीश्वर! आपकी जय हो! तीनों लोकों, स्वर्ग लोक, भूलोक और पाताल लोक में आपकी कीर्ति है।
रामदूत अतुलित बल धामा।
अंजनि-पुत्र पवनसुत नामा।।
अर्थ- हे पवनसुत अंजनी नंदन! आपके समान दूसरा बलवान नहीं है।
महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी।
कुमति निवार सुमति के संगी।।
अर्थ- हे महावीर बजरंग बली!आप विशेष पराक्रम वाले है। आप खराब बुद्धि को दूर करते है, और अच्छी बुद्धि वालों के साथी, सहायक है।
कंचन बरन बिराज सुबेसा।
कानन कुंडल कुंचित केसा।।
अर्थ- आप सुनहले रंग, सुन्दर वस्त्रों, कानों में कुण्डल और घुंघराले बालों से सुशोभित हैं।
हाथ बज्र औ ध्वजा बिराजै।
कांधे मूंज जनेऊ साजै।
अर्थ- आपके हाथ में बज्र और ध्वजा है और कन्धे पर मूंज के जनेऊ की शोभा है।
संकर सुवन केसरीनंदन।
तेज प्रताप महा जग बन्दन।।
अर्थ- शंकर के अवतार! हे केसरी नंदन आपके पराक्रम और महान यश की संसार भर में वन्दना होती है।
विद्यावान गुनी अति चातुर।
राम काज करिबे को आतुर।।
अर्थ- आप प्रकान्ड विद्या निधान है, गुणवान और अत्यन्त कार्य कुशल होकर श्री राम के काज करने के लिए आतुर रहते है।
प्रभु चरित्र सुनिबे को रसिया।
राम लखन सीता मन बसिया।।
अर्थ- आप श्री राम चरित सुनने में आनन्द रस लेते है। श्री राम, सीता और लखन आपके हृदय में बसे रहते है।
सूक्ष्म रूप धरि सियहिं दिखावा।
बिकट रूप धरि लंक जरावा।।
अर्थ- आपने अपना बहुत छोटा रूप धारण करके सीता जी को दिखलाया और भयंकर रूप करके लंका को जलाया।
भीम रूप धरि असुर संहारे।
रामचंद्र के काज संवारे।।
अर्थ- आपने विकराल रूप धारण करके राक्षसों को मारा और श्री रामचन्द्र जी के उद्देश्यों को सफल कराया।
लाय सजीवन लखन जियाये।
श्रीरघुबीर हरषि उर लाये।।
अर्थ- आपने संजीवनी बूटी लाकर लक्ष्मण जी को जिलाया जिससे श्री रघुवीर ने हर्षित होकर आपको हृदय से लगा लिया।
रघुपति कीन्ही बहुत बड़ाई।
तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई।।
अर्थ- श्री रामचन्द्र ने आपकी बहुत प्रशंसा की और कहा कि तुम मेरे भरत जैसे प्यारे भाई हो।
सहस बदन तुम्हरो जस गावैं।
अस कहि श्रीपति कंठ लगावैं।।
अर्थ- श्री राम ने आपको यह कहकर हृदय से लगा लिया की तुम्हारा यश हजार मुख से सराहनीय है।
सनकादिक ब्रह्मादि मुनीसा।
नारद सारद सहित अहीसा।।
अर्थ- श्री सनक, श्री सनातन, श्री सनन्दन, श्री सनत्कुमार आदि मुनि ब्रह्मा आदि देवता नारद जी, सरस्वती जी, शेषनाग जी सब आपका गुण गान करते है।
जम कुबेर दिगपाल जहां ते।
कबि कोबिद कहि सके कहां ते।।
अर्थ- यमराज, कुबेर आदि सब दिशाओं के रक्षक, कवि विद्वान, पंडित या कोई भी आपके यश का पूर्णतः वर्णन नहीं कर सकते।
तुम उपकार सुग्रीवहिं कीन्हा।
राम मिलाय राज पद दीन्हा।।
अर्थ- आपने सुग्रीव जी को श्रीराम से मिलाकर उपकार किया, जिसके कारण वे राजा बने।
तुम्हरो मंत्र बिभीषन माना।
लंकेस्वर भए सब जग जाना।।
अर्थ- आपके उपदेश का विभिषण जी ने पालन किया जिससे वे लंका के राजा बने, इसको सब संसार जानता है।
जुग सहस्र जोजन पर भानू।
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू।।
अर्थ- जो सूर्य इतने योजन दूरी पर है कि उस पर पहुंचने के लिए हजार युग लगे। दो हजार योजन की दूरी पर स्थित सूर्य को आपने एक मीठा फल समझकर निगल लिया।
प्रभु मुद्रिका मेलि मुख माहीं।
जलधि लांघि गये अचरज नाहीं।।
अर्थ- आपने श्री रामचन्द्र जी की अंगूठी मुंह में रखकर समुद्र को लांघ लिया, इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं है।
दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते।
सुगम अनुग्रह तुम्हरे तेते।।
अर्थ- संसार में जितने भी कठिन से कठिन काम हो, वो आपकी कृपा से सहज हो जाते है।
राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे।
होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे।।
श्री रामचन्द्र जी के द्वार के आप रखवाले है, जिसमें आपकी आज्ञा बिना किसी को प्रवेश नहीं मिलता अर्थात् आपकी प्रसन्नता के बिना राम कृपा दुर्लभ है।
सब सुख लहै तुम्हारी सरना।
तुम रक्षक काहू को डर ना।।
अर्थ- जो भी आपकी शरण में आते है, उस सभी को आनन्द प्राप्त होता है, और जब आप रक्षक है, तो फिर किसी का डर नहीं रहता।
आपन तेज सम्हारो आपै।
तीनों लोक हांक तें कांपै।।
अर्थ- आपके सिवाय आपके वेग को कोई नहीं रोक सकता, आपकी गर्जना से तीनों लोक कांप जाते है।
भूत पिसाच निकट नहिं आवै।
महाबीर जब नाम सुनावै।।
अर्थ- जहां महावीर हनुमान जी का नाम सुनाया जाता है, वहां भूत, पिशाच पास भी नहीं फटक सकते।
नासै रोग हरै सब पीरा।
जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा।।
अर्थ- वीर हनुमान जी! आपका निरंतर जप करने से सब रोग चले जाते है और सब पीड़ा मिट जाती है।
संकट तें हनुमान छुड़ावै।
मन क्रम बचन ध्यान जो लावै।।
अर्थ- हे हनुमान जी! विचार करने में, कर्म करने में और बोलने में, जिनका ध्यान आपमें रहता है, उनको सब संकटों से आप छुड़ाते है।
सब पर राम तपस्वी राजा।
तिन के काज सकल तुम साजा।
अर्थ- तपस्वी राजा श्री रामचन्द्र जी सबसे श्रेष्ठ है, उनके सब कार्यों को आपने सहज में कर दिया।
और मनोरथ जो कोई लावै।
सोइ अमित जीवन फल पावै।।
अर्थ- जिस पर आपकी कृपा हो, वह कोई भी अभिलाषा करें तो उसे ऐसा फल मिलता है जिसकी जीवन में कोई सीमा नहीं होती।
चारों जुग परताप तुम्हारा।
है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा।।
अर्थ- चारो युगों सतयुग, त्रेता, द्वापर तथा कलियुग में आपका यश फैला हुआ है, जगत में आपकी कीर्ति सर्वत्र प्रकाशमान है।
साधु-संत के तुम रखवारे।
असुर निकंदन राम दुलारे।।
अर्थ- हे श्री राम के दुलारे! आप सज्जनों की रक्षा करते है और दुष्टों का नाश करते है।
अष्ट सिद्धि नौ निधि के दाता।
अस बर दीन जानकी माता।।
अर्थ- आपको माता श्री जानकी से ऐसा वरदान मिला हुआ है, जिससे आप किसी को भी आठों सिद्धियां और नौ निधियां दे सकते है।
राम रसायन तुम्हरे पासा।
सदा रहो रघुपति के दासा।।
अर्थ- आप निरंतर श्री रघुनाथ जी की शरण में रहते है, जिससे आपके पास बुढ़ापा और असाध्य रोगों के नाश के लिए राम नाम औषधि है।
तुम्हरे भजन राम को पावै।
जनम-जनम के दुख बिसरावै।।
अर्थ- आपका भजन करने से श्री राम जी प्राप्त होते है और जन्म जन्मांतर के दुख दूर होते है।
अन्तकाल रघुबर पुर जाई।
जहां जन्म हरि-भक्त कहाई।।
अर्थ- अंत समय श्री रघुनाथ जी के धाम को जाते है और यदि फिर भी जन्म लेंगे तो भक्ति करेंगे और श्री राम भक्त कहलाएंगे।
और देवता चित्त न धरई।
हनुमत सेइ सर्ब सुख करई।।
अर्थ- हे हनुमान जी! आपकी सेवा करने से सब प्रकार के सुख मिलते है, फिर अन्य किसी देवता की आवश्यकता नहीं रहती।
संकट कटै मिटै सब पीरा।
जो सुमिरै हनुमत बलबीरा।।
अर्थ- हे वीर हनुमान जी! जो आपका सुमिरन करता रहता है, उसके सब संकट कट जाते है और सब पीड़ा मिट जाती है।
जै जै जै हनुमान गोसाईं।
कृपा करहु गुरुदेव की नाईं।।
अर्थ- हे स्वामी हनुमान जी! आपकी जय हो, जय हो, जय हो! आप मुझ पर कृपालु श्री गुरु जी के समान कृपा कीजिए।
जो सत बार पाठ कर कोई।
छूटहि बंदि महा सुख होई।।
अर्थ- जो कोई इस हनुमान चालीसा का सौ बार पाठ करेगा वह सब बंधनों से छूट जाएगा और उसे परमानन्द मिलेगा।
जो यह पढ़ै हनुमान चालीसा।
होय सिद्धि साखी गौरीसा।।
अर्थ- भगवान शंकर ने यह हनुमान चालीसा लिखवाया, इसलिए वे साक्षी है, कि जो इसे पढ़ेगा उसे निश्चय ही सफलता प्राप्त होगी।
तुलसीदास सदा हरि चेरा।
कीजै नाथ हृदय मंह डेरा।।
अर्थ- हे नाथ हनुमान जी! तुलसीदास सदा ही श्री राम का दास है। इसलिए आप उसके हृदय में निवास कीजिए।
दोहा :
पवन तनय संकट हरन, मंगल मूरति रूप।
राम लखन सीता सहित, हृदय बसहु सुर भूप।।
अर्थ- हे संकट मोचन पवन कुमार! आप आनंद मंगलों के स्वरूप हैं। हे देवराज! आप श्री राम, सीता जी और लक्ष्मण सहित मेरे हृदय में निवास कीजिए।
Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in English With Meaning
Read hanuman chalisa hindi lyrics, hanuman chalisa lyrics in hindi, hanuman chalisa pdf, Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa
Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raj
Nij mane mukure sudhar
Varnao Raghuvar Vimal
Jasu Jo dayaku phal char
Meaning: With the pollen dust of holy Guru’s Lotus feet, I have cleansed the mirror of my mind. The greatness of Shri Raghuvar, who bestows the four types of fortune, is an unadulterated form of beauty. which includes Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha
Budhi Hin Tanu Janike
Sumirau Pavan Kumar
Bal budhi Vidya dehu mohe
Harahu Kalesa Vikar
Meaning: Fully aware of my lack of intelligence, I focus on Pavan Kumar and humbly ask for strength, intelligence, and true knowledge, so that I may be free of all of my imperfections, and this serves to lessen my suffering.
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar
Meaning: The whole world shall bow to you, O’Hanuman! Hail to you, O’Kapisa, Ocean of Wisdom. You enlighten the three worlds (the entire cosmos) with your light.
Ram doot atulit bal dhama
Anjani-putra Pavan sut nama
Meaning: You are the messenger of Shri Ram, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Son of Pavan (Wind), though he has only this name, is the repository of immeasurable strength, as revealed by Anjani.
Mahavir Vikram Bajrangi
Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi
Meaning: As invincible as the weapon known as Vajra (a mighty mace made by God Indra), you are valiant and brave. In your case, it’s an abundance of good sense and good judgement. You dissipate the negativity in thoughts of evil.
Kanchan varan viraj subesa
Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesa
Meaning: Your golden-hued body and your lovely dress compliment each other nicely. It’s also possible that you have long, curly hair and wear earrings.
Hath Vajra Aur Dhuvaje Viraje
Kandhe moonj janehu sajai
Meaning: A lightning bolt and a victory flag, both proudly carried in hand, and a sacred thread worn on your shoulder.
Sankar suvan kesri Nandan
Tej pratap maha jag vandan
Meaning: You are an equal source of pride and comfort to Shri Kesari because you descend from Lord Sankar. You’ve revered throughout the universe thanks to your shining Vast Sway.
Vidyavan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur
Meaning: You are the keeper of knowledge, virtue, and achievement, constantly eager to do Shri Ram’s bidding.
Prabu charitra sunibe ko rasiya
Ram Lakhan Sita man Basiya
Meaning: Shri Ram was so active in narrating his stories, so you are quite the attentive listener. Shri Ram’s spirit resides in your heart. You reside within the heart of Shri Ram, Lakshman, and Sita because you are always with them.
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikat roop dhari lanka jarava
Meaning: Your humble form showed up before Sita and you spoke to her as a small Diminutive version of yourself. You assumed an awesome form and terrified the people of Lanka by setting the island ablaze.
Bhima roop dhari asur sanghare
Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare
Meaning: You obliterated the Asuras (demons) with overwhelming might, completing all your tasks given to you by Shri Ram with superior skill.
Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye
Shri Raghuvir Harashi ur laye
Meaning: Shri Raghuvir (Shri Ram) delightedly embraced you after Sanjivan (an herb that revives life) and Lakshman (one who was revived) had been brought to you.
Raghupati Kinhi bahut badai
Tum mam priye Bharat-hi sam bhai
Meaning: Your excellence was extolled by Shri Raghupati (Shri Ram), who said to you: “You are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat.”
Sahas badan tumharo yash gaave
Us kahi Shripati kanth lagaave
Meaning: Thousands of living beings are celebrating your virtues by chanting hymns in praise of you, and while doing so, Shri Ram gave him a comforting hug (Shri Hanuman).
Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa
Narad Sarad sahit Aheesa
Meaning: And when prophets like Sanka, Lord Brahma, the great hermit Narad, Goddess Saraswati, and Ahisha, who all served as sages, existed in India”
Yam Kuber Digpal Jahan te
Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan te
Meaning: There are even Yamraj (the God of Death), Kuber (the God of Wealth), and the Digpals (the officials responsible for maintaining order throughout the universe) trying to outdo one another in demonstrating their devotion to your reputation. So how can a mere poet convey your exceptional qualities adequately?
Tum upkar Sugreevahin keenha
Ram milaye rajpad deenha
Meaning: You truly helped Sugriv out. As you’ve no doubt discovered, you united him with Shri Ram and he placed him on the Royal Throne.
Tumharo mantra Vibheeshan mana
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sub jag jana
Meaning: Taking advice from you, Vibhishan gained control of Lanka. This is known everywhere throughout the Universe.
Yug sahastra jojan par Bhanu
Leelyo tahi madhur phal janu
Meaning: In thinking that it was a delicious luscious fruit, you dashed headlong into the Sun, which is an incredible distance away — it’s thousands of miles away.
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahee
Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj nahee
Meaning: Leaping across the ocean isn’t difficult when you are wearing the Lord’s Signet Ring in your mouth.
Durgaam kaj jagat ke jete
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete
Meaning: With your generous aid, the heaviest burdens of the world are made easy.
Ram dware tum rakhvare,
Hoat na agya binu paisare
Meaning: You stand guard at the entrance to the Divine Abode of Lord Shri Ram. You may enter it, but no one can without your permission.
Sub sukh lahai tumhari sarna
Tum rakshak kahu ko dar na
Meaning: All comforts of the world lie at your feet. The devotees enjoy all divine pleasures and feel fearless under your benign Protection.
Aapan tej samharo aapai
Teenhon lok hank te kanpai
Meaning: It is only you who is entitled to bear your splendid valour. From around the universe, at your thunderous call, all three worlds (the entire universe) tremble.
Bhoot pisach Nikat nahin aavai
Mahavir jab naam sunavai
Meaning: All the ghosts, demons, and evil forces keep away, with the sheer mention of your great name, O’Mahaveer!!
Nase rog harai sab peera
Japat nirantar Hanumant beera
Meaning: When Shri Hanuman’s name is recited, all disease, pain, and suffering disappear.
Sankat se Hanuman chudavai
Man Karam Vachan dyan jo lavai
Meaning: Those who think of Shri Hanuman with sincerity and faith are granted relief from all life’s difficulties.
Sub par Ram tapasvee raja
Tin ke kaj sakal Tum saja
Meaning: All those who acknowledge Shri Ram as the Supreme Lord and king of penance should have faith in him. All their difficult jobs are made simple for you.
Aur manorath jo koi lavai
Sohi amit jeevan phal pavai
Meaning: Anyone who comes to you in the sincere belief that you can help them fulfil their desires will receive the essence of life that cannot be taken away.
Charon Yug partap tumhara
Hai persidh jagat ujiyara
Meaning: Your magnificence has been lauded across all four ages. Your renown shines across the cosmos.
Sadhu Sant ke tum Rakhware
Asur nikandan Ram dulhare
Meaning: You are Saviour and the guardian angel of Saints and Sages and destroy all Demons. You are the angelic darling of Shri Ram.
Ashta sidhi nav nidhi ke
dhata Us var deen Janki mata
Meaning: Eight Siddhis and Nine Nidhis can be granted to anyone, no matter who they are. Mother Janki has granted you this boon.
Ram rasayan tumhare pasa
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa
Meaning: The power of devotion to Shri Ram lies within you. Shri Raghupati’s most dedicated disciple will always be reborn as a follower of yours.
Tumhare bhajan Ram ko pavai
Janam janam ke dukh bisravai
Meaning: Hymns sung in devotion to you, can help us to see Shri Ram and lead us to freedom from the numerous lifetimes of suffering.
Anth kaal Raghuvir pur jayee
Jahan janam Hari-Bakht Kahayee
Meaning: In Shri Ram’s Divine Abode at the time of death, one gains the opportunity to be reborn as Shri Ram’s devotee.
Aur Devta Chit na dharehi
Hanumanth se hi sarve sukh karehi
Meaning: There is no need to propitiate any other deity to receive prosperity, as devotion to Shri Hanuman grants one with everything one could ever want.
Sankat kate mite sab peera
Jo sumirai Hanumat Balbeera
Meaning: One is freed from all the sufferings and ill fated contingencies of rebirths in the world. One who adores and remembers Shri Hanuman.
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosahin
Kripa Karahu Gurudev ki nyahin
Meaning: We bow to you, great Lord of all the senses, Shri Hanuman. Allow your victory over evil to be decisive and permanent. Grant me the favour of being my most esteemed teacher (teacher).
Jo sat bar path kare kohi
Chutehi bandhi maha sukh hohi
Meaning: One who recites Chalisa one hundred times becomes free from the bondage of life and death and enjoys the highest bliss at last.
Jo yah padhe Hanuman
Chalisa Hoye siddhi sakhi Gaureesa
Meaning: All those who recite Hanuman Chalisa (The forty Chaupais) regularly are sure to be benedict. Such is the evidence of no less a witness as Bhagwan Sankar.
Tulsidas sada hari chera
Keejai Das Hrdaye mein dera
Meaning: “Servant of the Divine Master” Tulsidas, while always serving at his Master’s feet, constantly prays “Oh, dear God! In my heart and soul, you have forever enshrined yourself.”
Pavantnai sankat haran,
Mangal murti roop.
Ram Lakhan Sita sahit,
Hrdaye basahu sur bhoop.
Meaning: Dear wind-conquering conqueror of all woes, you are a sign of good fortune. Also found in the heart of Shri Ram, as well as Lakshman and Sita, reside. Oh, great king of the gods!
Amazing Facts About Lord Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics
- Lord Hanuman had five real brothers: If you know about Hanuman, you may be surprised to learn that he also had five real brothers and all of them were married. The phrase is found in the Brahmana Purana. In the Puranas, Lord Hanuman’s father Kesari and his dynasty are described. Vanar Raj Kesari also had six sons, including Lord Hanuman, the eldest of whom was also known as Vanar Raj Kesari. Matiman, Shrutiman, Ketuman, Gatiman, and Dhritiman were the names of the four brothers of Lord Hanuman.
- Hanuman Jayanti: Also known as Hanuman Janam-Utsav, the Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated on August 13. The Hindu holiday of Hanuman Jayanti celebrates the birth of Lord Hanuman, a highly revered and respected figure among the people of India and Nepal.
- The word “Hanuman” in Sanskrit means “deformed jaw.” :”Hanu” means “jaw” and “mana” means “disfigured” in Sanskrit. Do you know that Lord Hanuman’s childhood name was “Maruti?” Maruti once ate Lord Surya as a fruit as a child. It cast a pall over the entire world. Lord Indra became enraged by the incident and struck the child Maruti with a thunderbolt, breaking his jaw and knocking him unconscious. Hanuman’s jaw was permanently damaged as a result of this incident.
- Five-headed Hanuman (Panchamukha Hanuman): Lord Hanuman once assumed the extremely rare form of Panch-Mukhi Hanuman in order to defeat the demon Ahiravan. Ahiravan was Ravan’s younger brother, who kidnapped Ram and Lakshman and transported them to the Netherworld. The only way to kill Ahiravan was for Lord Hanuman to extinguish 5 lamps in 5 different directions, which he did in Panch-Mukhi form. Apart from himself, Hanuman has five other faces: Narasimha, Garuda, Varaha, and Hayagriva.
- God’s blessing to Hanuman: After Lord Hanuman’s birth, Varuna bestowed upon him the boon that he would always be protected from water, and Agni bestowed upon him the blessing, “Fire will never burn you.” Surya bestowed upon him two yoga siddhis: “Laghima” and “Garima” (with “Laghima,” he could attain the smallest form of life, and with “Garima,” he could attain the largest form of life). Vayu showered Lord Hanuman with more speed than he had, and Yama (the God of Death) bestowed upon him a long and healthy life.
- Lord Hanuman Has a Son, Despite being a Brahmachari: Despite being a Brahmachari, Lord Hanuman had a son. Lord Hanuman’s son was known as “Makardhwaja.” Hanuman dipped in the sea to cool off after burning the entire Lanka with his tail. It is said that his sweat was swallowed by the fish, and thus Makardhwaja was conceived and born to the same-named mighty fish.
- Lord Hanuman and Bhima were both brothers: Lord Hanuman was created by Pawan Dev’s grace, but did you know that “Bhima” was created by Pawan Dev’s grace as well? When Maharaja Pandu was in the forest with his wife Kunti and Madri, Queen Kunti worshipped Pawan Dev in order to have a son, which resulted in the birth of “Bhima.” As a result, Lord Hanuman and “Bhima” were both brothers.
- Lord Hanuman has 108 names in Sanskrit: Lord Hanuman’s Ashtottara Shatanamavali (collective names) have 108 names in Sanskrit, including Anjaneya, Hanumanta, Mahavira, and others.
- Lord Hanuman is immortal: Lord Hanuman is one of eight Chiranjivis (immortal beings) mentioned in Hindu texts. He is said to walk the earth chanting Shree Ram’s name and telling stories until the end of Kaliyuga.
- Lord Hanuman is a great singer: Lord Hanuman is described as a master vocalist in the Narada Purana. It was a blessing from Narad Muni.
- Lord Rama once sentenced Lord Hanuman to death: Even though Lord Rama adored his ardent devotee Hanuman, he once sentenced him to death. All of this occurred as a result of Hanuman’s failure to greet Vishwamitra at the court, which enraged Vishwamitra. He then instructed Ram to execute Hanuman with arrows. Rama owed it to Vishwamitra to listen to him because he was his Guru. As a result, the next day he ordered his men to execute Hanuman by shooting arrows at him. The arrows, however, did not harm Hanuman because he continued to chant Rama’s name. Lord Rama’s Brahmastra was also ineffective against Hanuman’s chanting. It was later revealed that Narada had instigated Hanuman and instructed him to greet all sages except Vishwamitra.
- Lord Shani protects the worshippers of Lord Hanuman: Appeasing Lord Shani is thought to be very important because he is one of the most powerful ‘Grahas’ in astrology. Those who devote their lives to Lord Hanuman, on the other hand, are always protected by Lord Shani. This is due to Lord Hanuman’s rescue of Lord Shani from the clutches of the demon king Ravana.
- Sindoor is offered to Lord Hanuman! Did you know why? Once he saw Goddess Sita applying sindoor (Vermillion) on her forehead. He asked her what purpose does it served to which Sita said that it was for the long life and well-being of her husband Lord Rama. Then Hanuman covered his entire body with sindoor for the long life of Rama. It is believed that if you offer Sindoor to Hanuman or smears it on his body, he grants all your wishes.
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FAQ On Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi, Lord Hanuman Biography
हनुमान चालीसा कैसे पढ़ा जाता है?
हनुमान चालीसा को मंगलवार या शनिवार के दिन शुरू करना चाहिए और अगले 40 दिन तक इसका नियमित पाठ करना चाहिए।
हनुमान चालीसा के गायक कौन है?
को गायक हरिहरन ने गाया था. हनुमान चालीसा को आज के 9 साल पहले 2011 में यूट्यूब पर अपलोड किया गया था
हनुमान अष्टक का पाठ कब करना चाहिए?
मान्यता है कि मंगलवार के दिन हनुमान अष्टक का पाठ करने से भक्तों के सारे संकट मिट जाते हैं। उनकी इच्छाएं पूरी हो जाती हैं।
What is Hanuman Chalisa?
The mantra Shri Hanuman Chalisa is used to summon Lord Hanuman, the god of incredible positive power and wisdom. It contains 40 poetic verses praising the monkey god (hence the name ‘Chalisa’). Hanuman Chalisa is the most well-known mantra, recited by millions of Hindus worldwide.
Why should I recite Hanuman Chalisa?
You worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chalisa, and anyone who worships Lord Hanuman is granted fortitude (extreme courage when in trouble or pain) and strength. Chalisa is a type of healing prayer because it dispels negative energies around you.
When should I recite Hanuman Chalisa?
It is fine to recite the Hanuman Chalisa at any time of the day, but it is generally suggested to recite it just after getting out of the bath to help you start your day on a positive note. You can also recite the Chalisa before going to sleep or follow your schedule to the best of your ability. As you know, all throughout the day if you are feeling low, depressed, or scared, you can simply close your eyes and attempt to concentrate on reciting the Hanuman Chalisa.
Does Hanuman wants us to be a Brahmachari?
No. While the Hanumanite religion encourages self-denial, it is far from perfect, and we should not strive to be Brahmacharis. He wants us to show respect for women, live an honest and trustworthy life, and act responsibly.
Who wrote Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics?
Tulsidas, a Hindu poet-saint from Kashi, wrote the Hanuman Chalisa. Awadhi is a dialect of Hindi that is spoken in that area. Valmiki, the author of the original Ramayan, was believed to be a reincarnation of Tulsidas, the person who held this belief. According to the popular legend, Tulsidas met Lord Hanuman in person.
What is the divine importance of Hanuman Chalisa?
40 verses of the Hanuman Chalisa are in this prayer. There are rumours that it is very powerful. According to Hinduism, reciting these 40 verses for 40 days with complete faith and devotion will help you receive your prayers answered and earn you a lot of merit. It will also enable you to see the forms of Lord Shiva and Hanuman in the form of 12 jyotirlingas and 5 Mukhi Hanuman.
Can women read Hanuman Chalisa?
Yes, women can recite the Hanuman Chalisa and worship Hanuman. There is a popular misconception that women are not allowed to enter the Hanuman temple or touch Hanuman’s idol because Hanuman was a brahmachari and thus does not like being touched by women. Women in many parts of India worship Hanuman in his child form (bal swaroop). Lord Hanuman can be worshipped by women as a son, brother, or protector.
100 बार हनुमान चालीसा पढ़ने से क्या होता है?
हनुमान चालीसा को 100 बार पढ़ने से आप सभी प्रकार के पाप से मुक्त हो सकते हैं।
Lord Hanuman Chalisa lyrics gave distance between the Sun and Earth accurately .
“ जुग सहस्र जोजन पर भानू।
Hanuman Chalisha 18th Verse
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू॥ १८ ॥ “
in English ,
juga sahasra jojana para bhānū।
Hanuman Chalisha 18th Verse
līlyo tāhi madhura phala jānū॥ 18 ॥
1 Yug = 12000 years
1 Sahasra = 1000
1 Yojan = 8 Miles
Thus 12000 * 1000 * 8 = 96,000,000 miles (‘*’ represents multiplication) 1 mile = 1.6 kms
This further implies that distance is 96,000,000 * 1.6 kms = 153,600,000 Kms
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